Omoni Oboli, the renowned actress, took to social media on Wednesday to share the delightful news of her son’s engagement.
Overflowing with joy, Omoni Oboli expressed her excitement while announcing that her son had proposed to his girlfriend.
In a heartfelt post, Omoni Oboli wrote “My heart has been bursting with joy and I can’t keep it anymore!
“It was a cold winter night when our son Tobe asked the love of his life Marelle to marry him. We are so thankful for the gift of this absolutely perfect and gorgeous daughter.
“Thank you Tobe for choosing a wife that shares our family’s values. We are absolutely in love with our new family and God has been too good to us.
“Marelle wanted a simple diamond ring with 3 stones and trust @bozdiamonds to deliver exactly what she asked for Online aunties and uncles we have a wedding to plan ”.