A tragic incident occurred in Okete, a serene community in the Ohimini Local Government Area of Benue State, on Thursday, when a truck collided with a residential building, resulting in the death of nine family members.
According to sources, the crash took place around 5 am while the family was still asleep.
The PUNCH reported that the truck experienced a brake failure, which caused the driver to lose control and slam into the house, located along the roadside.
An eyewitness, who chose to remain anonymous due to media restrictions, shared, “The incident happened early this morning when most people were still in bed. The loud noise from the crash woke up the neighbours.”
The Benue State Police Command confirmed the incident when contacted.
The spokesperson for the command, Catherine Anene, stated, “The truck rammed into a residential building, killing nine members of the family. The unfortunate incident occurred in the early hours of Thursday.”
She further mentioned that the police had launched a thorough investigation into the cause of the crash and promised that additional details would be shared in due course.