Renowned gospel singer Judith Kanayo-Opara, popularly known as Judikay, has announced her decision to step away from the controversy surrounding her exit from her former record label, EeZee Conceptz.
In a statement shared on her official Facebook page on Friday, January 24, Judikay emphasized that her choice was motivated by a desire to uphold unity and harmony within the Christian community, even at the expense of personal interests.
“After prayerful consideration, I have made the deliberate decision to walk away from this entire drama,” she wrote. “I choose to prioritize the greater good and unity of the body of Christ.”
Judikay expressed her conviction that spiritual values outweigh material gains or personal vindication.
“My role as a member of the body of Christ takes precedence, and I willingly make this sacrifice, drawing strength from the knowledge that Christ is of far greater worth than any earthly possession or vindication. With this conviction, I choose to step away.”
The singer also extended her appreciation to church leaders, fellow believers, and her family for their prayers and support during the challenging period.
“My focus and commitment remain on Jesus Christ and the ministry HE entrusted in my hands,” she concluded.