A tragic incident unfolded in Lagos State as Magistrate and Pastor Olasanmi Ogunkanmi, 58, passed away unexpectedly on the night of January 1, 2025, shortly after returning from a three-week holy pilgrimage in Jerusalem, Israel.
Magistrate Ogunkanmi, who was part of the first batch of Lagos pilgrims to Jerusalem, performed his final pilgrimage with great devotion before his untimely demise.
His colleagues at the Ikeja Magistrate Court described him as a “gentle, humble, and amiable” individual who carried out his duties with excellence.
According to sources, the late magistrate was reportedly in high spirits upon his return from the pilgrimage, only for tragedy to strike later that night.
Conflicting accounts emerged about the cause of his death, with one version stating he suddenly slumped and died, while another suggested he passed away peacefully in his sleep.
On Friday, January 17, 2025, the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission, Bishop Stephen Adegbite, visited Ogunkanmi’s widow at their Ikorodu home to offer condolences.
Addressing the grieving family, Bishop Adegbite expressed profound sympathy over the magistrate’s unexpected passing.
“It was not an accident that late Magistrate Ogunkanmi died the night he successfully returned from performing holy pilgrimage in Jerusalem. The occurrence makes his death providential,” Bishop Adegbite remarked.
Encouraging the widow to find solace in God, he added, “Your husband lived a well-fulfilled life on earth. It is therefore not how long one lives on earth that matters but how well.”
Bishop Adegbite assured the family of the NCPC’s support during this difficult time and pledged to assist in ensuring a dignified burial for the late magistrate, who was a Pilgrimage Ambassador and a distinguished Justice of the Peace.
Earlier in the week, the NCPC boss also visited the family’s Abuja residence in Kado to console relatives.
Final rites for Magistrate Ogunkanmi will take place in Lagos, with a Service of Songs scheduled for February 6, 2025, followed by his burial on February 7, 2025.